SP25 Prisma: EISA Best Product
EISA - August 2024
Primare’s SP25 Prisma has been awarded Best Product 2024-2025 home theatre processor by the Expert Imaging and Sound Association (EISA). This is the third year in a row that a Primare home theatre model has been so honoured, joining the SPA25 Prisma home cinema integrated amplifier and A35.8 eight channel fully bridgeable balanced input amplifier as EISA best product award winners.
"An ideal partner for Primare’s EISA Award-winning A35.8 multichannel power amplifier, the SP25 Prisma processor caters to immersive audio systems up to 11.2 channels. Aided by Dirac Live room correction below 500Hz (upgradeable to full-bandwidth if desired), it creates convincing Dolby Atmos and DTS:X soundscapes with smooth highs, effortless dialogue reproduction, precise effects placement and deep, impactful bass. Music-friendly features include Primare’s Prisma streaming/radio platform and a USB DAC input, giving this neatly styled unit ‘all-rounder’ status. App control, extensive speaker/input preset configuration and the SP25 Prisma’s luxurious styling complete a great addition to Primare’s home theatre stable." EISA Official Award Citation
Zur EISA Award-Seite
Zum SP25 Prisma Heimkino-Vorverstärker & Netzwerkplayer

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EISA Award für den Primare SP25
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